Thursday, March 19, 2009


So for the past little while I feel like I have an infant, Grant has been waking up every 2-3 hours every night, I am not sure what to do so I thought maybe he was not really needing a nap during the day so he would sleep better at night, the last 2 days I have purposefully not put him down for a nap, by 3 o'clock both days this is what happened.

Apparently I was wrong with this decision, any ideas?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

some funny things

1. Today I worked out for the first time in a while, I didn't have time to eat breakfast because it was  a pre-school morning, and when I decide to work out on a preschool morning there is never time.  When I walk in the door from the gym, Grant and Jackson need breakfast, they need to get dressed, they need their hair combed and Ben  and Jackson need a lunch, which leaves little time for me to get in the shower throw on something that usually isn't very attractive (last minute outfits I never like!) get my hair done, and makeup on (these two things a must) before I have to throw the kids in the car and race to school. So as I said I went to the gym this morning and didn't have time to eat so the only thing I consumed from the time I woke up until 1:00 in the afternoon, was some robin eggs that were sitting on the counter, a bottle of water, half of Grants granola bar, a coke that I grabbed from the dollar store along with a tootsie roll.   Now why am I telling you this.  Because I want to know why I even bothered working out for the measly 35 minutes? I should have just eaten when I woke up, why because I was hungry from about 3 am on:)  Oh how I love pregnancy.

2. Thing #2 Ben and I finally got to go on a date, we haven't been out for a while mainly because babysitters are very expensive here, seriously they charge any where from $8-10 an hour.  We really wanted to go to the point that we thought who cares about the money lets just go and have fun, and fun we did have.  So this cute little girl that we hired is so so sweet.  Oh wait let me back up.  You know when your trying to teach your child things and you just never know if it is entering their brain or not until they get put in that situation well this is one that made us proud.  So I asked our babysitter to put the kids in bed at 8:30 I told her the drill and assured her everything would be fine, well everything was fine it went well, she had fun with the kids.  But she is not our same religion so when she put the kids down to bed Jackson said "what about our prayers?" She was so cute and said oh OK she knelt down and said "Dear Lord"  Jackson stopped her and said "that's not what you say, it's Dear Heavenly Father." So she said OK Dear Heavenly Father.... Pause. She said Jackson do you know how to say the prayer?  By this time he was tired and said oh well let's just go to bed I am tired.  So he never finished so what! I was just ecstatic that our nightly prayers are now habit to him and Grant.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I am sure you will all be surprised when I say....

         We are having a baby boy

Jackson's 5th Birthday

Jackson had a wonderful Birthday from getting a new black bike in the morning,  having a play date with Mason  and then going to lunch at Carl's Jr with him,  Getting money in the mail and buying himself a new toy, Playing with Jolie and Lucy on their trampoline, to his favorite dinner ( especially the mashed potatoes) and having all his closest friends come over to share cupcakes and ice cream with him. He went to bed exhausted but he had enough energy to say "mom that was so fun!"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to my sweet Jackson

First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!! I can't believe how old you have gotten it seems as though time has rushed right passed us, it has been such a joy to see you grow up.  You are such an amazing boy, we are so proud of the big boy you have become! You are the sweetest, kindest, cutest, smartest, most thoughtful, most loving, adorable, the best big brother, and son anyone could ever ask for.  Thank you so much for 5 wonderful years of joy and laughter you are so silly but oh so sweet. I am so happy that you love your brother so much and are so patient with him.  Thanks for being our ROCK (and keeping us inline).  We love you buddy more than you will ever know,
Love, mom and dad

Monday, March 2, 2009

Drum roll please

Ok so here it is "The quilt" while I was in Texas Ben's mom helped me make, we had such a fun time and it turned out better than I ever expected. I need to stuff my cute throw pillows that I made but here is the cute quilt and shams.  I also need to make a bed skirt that matches, don't worry the red won't be there for long.

Our first pet

Jackson found this lady bug, I let him keep it in a jar the whole time it was alive (poor critter) he kept saying I can't believe I have my first pet.    Maybe I should let him get a fish. I didn't get any good pictures with Jackson and his first pet so here is Grant enjoying "Fun" the ladybug

The park

There is this really fun park a little drive away from our house.  There is a great big duck pond some fun toys a big ampatheater. We had a really fun time until, 

Grant fell in the mud